Help Us Collect The Evidence Daily - Power to the People
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Support this positive campaign.
Help push through urgent action within Auckland council and address uneducated apathy in regards to tar sealing Rodney's deplorable roads. Our most pressing needs are not being actioned and the personal and financial toll on our communities must cease.
By clicking the Submissions tab above and downloading the pre-prepared form you can add your voice to the ground-swell of residents demanding that Rodneys roads get sealed.
Also this page gives all Rodney citizens a vehicle to describe incidences and associated personal costs directly resulting from unsealed roads. There is also a Facebook page you can follow.
This web based campaign empowers Rodney citizens through your ability to "log on" and quickly detail any incidences and personal cost attributed to living or driving on unsealed roads.
The power of the correlated information will see Rodney residents able to flex their democratic muscle to collectively sway Auckland council to seal our roads through a process of capturing graphic undisputable factual evidence. This campaign is being championed by Greg Sayers - an Elected politician on the Rodney Local Board
Help us make a change. Please fill in this Daily Evidance Tool
telling us your issues with the roads in Rodney.