Joel Shacknofsky
7/9/2014 08:29:25 am
It seems we are reliant upon Councillor Penny Webster's ability as a politican to represent us and to muster the votes from other Councillors to get more sealing done. Lets see if she's a strong enough leader. Seems she holds all the key positions within Len's committee's to do this if she tried.
Graham Poole
7/14/2014 05:58:25 pm
Great to see Greg Sayers getting in "boots and all" and going the extra mile. That's what we want from all our locally elected people. Good to see the Local Board is behind getting more money for roads. Road sealing, foot paths and regular road maintenance are all important issues to be solved for our area.
7/22/2014 07:09:32 am
Good luck to the Councillor. It's not going to be easy with her boss wanting her to support diverting so much money from Rodney into his desired city projects!
Sarah Gunn
7/9/2014 09:00:47 am
nothing will happen if people don't start talking with their feet.
Ross Gardiner
7/10/2014 08:27:50 am
Say it to Sayers - Keep fighting 4 us Greg Sayers. Your're doing a great job along with all your Rodney Local Board mates. Is Penny supporting you all by actually asking the Mayor for the $100M yet?
7/14/2014 06:00:29 pm
Great to see a postive campaign. Haven't seen one of those before fighting for us. You've got my support! Good luck.
Jess Langer
7/15/2014 06:56:51 am
Keep up the good work. Rodney has been screwed over the Supercity and we need change and fast!
Cheir Coleman
7/16/2014 08:28:00 am
Thank you Seal Rodney Roads. Thank you for going in to bat for us little guys. :-)
7/16/2014 08:29:11 am
Yeah. This is great stuff. Go - Seal Rodney Roads!!!
Hera Curtis
7/16/2014 08:32:44 am
Chris Lewis is spot on. These roads are killiers. I want my kids and wife to be safe and so why can't some of our rates be spent on our road.
Howard J
8/6/2014 11:40:09 am
Penny Webster needs to front up and expalin how she claims to be for Rodney, yet holds the most important positions as Chair of Finance and also Deputy Chair of Budgets yet we are getting completely screwed over. Now my rates have gone up to add insult to injury. Thanks for the "snow job" of acting in our best interest Webster. I'm over you saying you are making a change for us. You're not. Things are getting worse and you blame Government or the Local Board or your colleauges for your non-delivery. Ps: I note you sealed zero kilometers of roads while you were Mayor. You say you care - but that's bull.
Sarah Gunn
8/6/2014 11:42:15 am
nicely put howard!
James Skelly
9/20/2014 06:44:24 pm
The comment about school buses, families and tankers all having near misses is true. It happens regularly. Is safety and our health second to Auckland CBD's economic investment? The answer is "Yes!".
Rob Gibson
9/22/2014 06:49:30 pm
Once again Ahuroa Road is deteriorating by the day, with new potholes/craters opening daily. This road is just not safe!
Hera Curtis
9/29/2014 06:59:25 am
Rob Gibson is onto it! .... but "they" just don't see rural road sealing as a priority. What will change that ... more to it, what will change Council's mind to make road sealing a priority project? I'm angry!
Rob Gibson
9/29/2014 06:23:31 pm
Hera, sadly, there is only one event that will get the politicians and their minions to act. However, a tragedy/fatality that becomes some statistics should not be what it takes to get these people to spend our money where it needs to be spent. Leave a Reply. |
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